ADJUSTABLE DOOR FRAME STEEL FRAME ZOS CASING The ZOS conceals the existing door frame around the entire wall thickness, for example, together with tiles at no risk of damaging them, and you can avoid narrowing the door leaf at the same time. If an 80 door leaf was installed on the existing frame, you will still be able to hang the same 80-width door after the installation of the Steel Frame Casing. Each Steel Frame Casing is adjustable up to 20 mm thanks to a movable angle. The casing is manufactured in a variety of versions for any wall thickness, starting HOW DO I CALCULATE THE WIDTH OF THE ZOS? 1. ........... mm (existing frame clear opening width) – 6 mm (clearance for installation) = ........... mm (outer ZOS width) 2. ........... mm (outer ZOS width) + 32 mm = ........... mm (ZOS frame rebate width) 3. ........... mm (ZOS rebate width) – 56 mm = ........... mm (ZOS clear opening width) HOW DO I CALCULATE THE WIDTH OF THE DOOR LEAF FOR ZOS? 1. ........... mm (ZOS frame rebate width) - 8 mm = ........... mm (door leaf rebate width) 2. ........... mm (door leaf rebate width) + 26 mm = ........... mm (overall door leaf width) HOW DO I CALCULATE THE HEIGHT OF THE DOOR LEAF FOR ZOS? 1. ........... mm (existing frame clear opening height) – 3 mm (clearance for installation) = ........... mm (outer ZOS frame height) 2. ........... mm (outer ZOS frame height) + 16 mm = ........... mm (ZOS frame rebate height) 3. ........... mm (ZOS frame rebate height) – 4 mm (clearance between door and frame) – od 7 mm do 15 mm (clearance be- tween door and floor level) = ........... mm (door leaf rebate height) 4. ........... mm (door leaf rebate height) + 13 mm = ........... mm (overall door leaf height) The Steel Frame ZOS Casing is an innovative solution for fully concealing an existing door frame (steel, timber or MDF) without the need to dismantle it, which usually involves damage to walls or tiles, resulting in a major refurbishment of the entire room. from 60 mm. Within the adjustment ranges of 240-260, the frame is a sectional version made with a minimum of two parts. The sectional version for the “Tunnel” frame is available from the 220-240 range. ZOS reduces the clear opening of your ex- isting frame by only 30 mm! 181 Door Frames and Accessories